Ivanium Basmai
29 Dec 2024 at 21:37Everybody
in this world has a dream of living a nice and respectful life, being
appreciated by others. If people learn to appreciate one another, then there
would be more peace in the world. Though not everybody is able to respect one
another, everybody aspires to be respected. It's obviously wrong because first
you have to be capable of respecting other people to deserve respect for
way, people also will treat you with respect. Indonesia is a land of utmost
diversity in its customs, cultures, languages, religious beliefs- hence,
tolerance can only achieve keeping this Indonesia different. Yes, there are
people who don't stand tolerance. Mercifully, due to its tolerance and unity,
Indonesia is highly united up to date. Nevertheless, were this trend to
continue unchecked, it would soon also threaten that unity. We can do a few
things to stop the spread of prejudice.
will revive tolerance in Indonesia by educating all Indonesians about
peace-supportive narratives through joining peace-enhancing organizations.
History attests that tolerance and acceptance of individual differences among
Indonesians were the keys toward Indonesia's declaration of independence, which
united Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke regardless of differences in race, culture,
or creed.
I think education for Indonesians about the importance of diversity and
tolerance will add to the battle against intolerance. I really hope all people
will do the same, spread peace through the internet and not conduct
provocations, building such Indonesia which will be tolerant and peaceful. It
is my hope that the whole of Indonesia will take seriously the effort to
eradicate intolerance for the sake of protecting diversity and ensuring a
peaceful way of living.
can save hate speeches that may initiate wars by being a good citizen and using
the internet for decent messages, not insult remarks, to keep it alive. Hence,
let us help in achieving world peace by not initiating nor engaging in an
online war that will spread discord. Indeed, goodness and harmony may be the
fruits of tolerance.
towards life allows people of different walks of life to stay together in
harmony. Be that as it may, let's come together and share on the internet films
and other messages speaking of peace. You may even open a blog promoting peace
as a means of bettering this place for our grandkids and all those coming after
them. Above all, everyone can live together happily, with the ability to
respect each other, first and foremost themselves.