Ivanium Basmai
29 Dec 2024 at 21:30

Each person's life should be characterized by respect for one another, and everyone aspires to live a life of respect. The world may be at peace when people respect one another. Even while we desire to be respected by others, we must acknowledge that not everyone will do so. This may seem unjust, but the truth is that we have to be the first to show respect to others if we want it ourselves. We demand respect from everyone when we treat them with it.

As a result, Indonesian society must encourage the virtues of acceptance, tolerance, and respect. These values are essential to preserving the integrity and unity of the country. However, some people exhibit extreme intolerance. The social glue that has been essential to Indonesia's unity, which is based on a diversified culture of tolerance and togetherness, is threatened when intolerance grows. However, we have the ability to stop hate from spreading.

I accomplish this by educating Indonesians about peaceful principles. Indonesians came together to fight for their freedom because of their shared sense of tolerance and appreciation for diversity. As people from every area, culture, and belief came together to form a single nation, unity brought them together.

In light of this, I think I can help fight bigotry by actively trying to increase understanding of diversity and tolerance. In order to create a more tolerant and peaceful Indonesia, I have faith that others will likewise work to advance peace by disseminating encouraging messages online and refraining from acts that can intensify hostilities.